Friday 25 April 2014


Friday afternoon is the most boring time of the week , especially when you have a pile of things to work on :

Sunday 25 September 2011

The Twilight Saga

             Across the lines of one’s eyen there always lies a frame. A frame, trying to see the things as it wants to. What contradicts to me is the fact that they don’t even share a feeble plank of co-ordination. Though it does not stop me from piling through the auburn of twilight on another day.
            Its ‘7 in the clock. I should have been on my way to home. But I am undone by setting solicitous sun. Curving its back in the arms of horizon like a beautiful lady on pasture. A single shot has left me trolling the gray areas of my mind, asking over and over again,” have I ever been here before?” I can feel a sense of calmness, a spell in the meadows like a charming lovely lady of starry night. A strange flow of gazing air is taking me in to something rich and coral. My eyes are winking, trying to capture the music that hid. But when most I wink, the best sees. The fine shades of shine in the form of a shadow. The milky way of miraculous things which were left disrespected in the day light. The dreams that flattered in the aftermath of better judgments.
             I can see my determinate bonds with my past in the company of gushing air & passing moments. It makes me feel self contained at a time, reasonably content. The vantage of being together does not stand a ground as now. I am petrified. But…. for the right I will bear all the wrong. Because bending for your loved ones do not conceal your faults. Against myself I’ll vow debate for being an absentee in the talks & walks. Far back, acquaintances by haply was not a good start but it demanded an assurance of a happy ending. Assurance from a friend. I am still in the realms of my appertaining, cautious enough not to vex it with my inconstant mind. In better states to say the least .In retrospect, inevitability is seemingly irrevocable. It could not have been any other way. A case what I may call the high probability of the improbable.
                 Here I am, still walking alone with another person inside me. May be not profoundly happy, may be a little lonely, but yes certainly. All of that has changed. After all, in the sleep king, walking no such matters…
                                                                               September 26, 2011

Saturday 20 August 2011

Are we ready...???

This write up of mine is a response to an article in Times of India Dating Aug 15th, 1947 in particular to a Statement by late Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru,”Are we ready for this?”
            I think we are ready, as the time has come for all of us to reunite again to fight for the real freedom. I would like to entitle one thing by latest is this reunion is not against any foreign or imported monarch but a swadeshi ,home –grown ruler who would preside over India not as a temporary tenant but as a permanent landlord enjoying & bestowing total proprietorship.
      Concentrating on the current torrid topic of Jana-lokpal bill under the Leadership of Anna Hazare & others. I would like to throw light on some of the aspects of so called ‘Second Revolution’.
We have been experiencing this mass-hysteria of Indians turning out in huge numbers in support of Anna Hazare quite for a while .This is seen as a public face of outraged sentiments & self informed consent of aam aadmi against the corruption. Common man is finding its Gestapo in Anna. This is bound to happen as barring few minor glitches now and again only Anna has shown the resistance. It is most welcome from ‘youngistan’ as a major constituent have stepped up the ante with sole consent of their own to fight the corruption. This is nothing but willingness of Indian people at an individual level to go one on one with this termite’s venomous attack on the pillars of their democracy. 
 The premium question crops up in my mind is,’ is this really going to help?’ Mobs of varying sizes in contestation on streets…is this the way to dissolve this issue….?  I don’t think so. Somehow the fasting insignia is giving out a sense of loosing proportion .The mass exhibition all over the India is against the political system not government. The fact that government policies at many fronts has failed to convince common man the deliverance of accountable & transparent governance, cannot be ignored. The unceremonious arrest of Anna in Delhi by all means was unjustified, unconventional & unconstitutional. Government has looked baffled, arrogant & arbitrary at public face. Number of monthly scams coming to day light has left people by storms. This not so quotient public face of politicians has caused a great deal of loss of trust of people in government.
Still things can be rightly placed. Our constitution has laid special rules to tackle such issues. If we, the people in majority favors a bill let it be JLB for a while can be molded in to a strong law by constitutional way. One thing that I would like to remind every bit of people is parliament been given the constitutional power to amend the laws if necessary. If we want a strong law to curb corruption let there be e referendum on the bill. The bill should be debated & discussed with Standing Committee of Parliament, with results coming out on majority of members.
 If the government is to retain the trust of common man in its governance, they need to work out on sociopolitical reforms. Of course with full support & consent of public. Government should set some more examples of strict action against the traitors as impeachment of Justice Soumitra Sen, a senior judge of Kolkata HC with 189-17 margin in Rajya Sabha. These reforms can be looked as powerful anti-corruption tools. This must include election reforms i.e regulation on funding for state elections, stronger authority for reasonable & transparent enforcements of taxes, genuine autonomy to public sector, discretion of power of bureaucrats & ministers, liberal & contemporary laws for citizens to understand, stronger police reforms, stronger accountability & transparency in judiciary system, strict scrutiny of all government tenders/orders/auctions/sells of public owned assets.
 To sum up the story, deep contestation on roads or fasting won’t help on its own strength. We must abide by the oath that, “Let’s try and say NO to bribe”. The change must start form our own house. Democracy is not a five year plan. It's a long drawn process. What we have got today as The Largest Democracy is a yield of sustained exercise of laws, rules & ethics of constitution by constitutional means. We must not forget that a dream must be bigger than the inspiration but it must not contradict itself. Nobody can guarantee a miraculous disappearance of corruption in a while. For a stronger & corruption free India all of us need to promise each other persistence endeavors of sociopolitical reforms. This will definitely assure a truly free nation with true colors of clean & transparent democratic governance.

Jai Hind…

Wednesday 1 June 2011


स्मरणाच्या रात्रीत उमलाना-या आठवणींच्या सुमनांना ,
अंधाराच्या रेतीत किणकिणते काजव्यांच्या लहरी,
महामेघ क्षितिजाच्या जांभळ्या सरितेची किरणे,
चौफेर सजावती जणू जन्माजन्माच्या  प्रहरी...!

नादलहरींच्या प्रवाहात विरले काळाच्या ओघाचे कलश,
 उसासे टाकले अर्धांगाने, थकली धावणारी नजर,
खडकांच्या छिद्रातून उजळले स्मरणयुगांचे तवपालाश,
तुडवलेल्या वाळवंटात उगवली आप्तांच्या निमिषांची झालर...!

कातरवेळेच्या कुरणात हरवली बागडणारी कोवळी हरिणे,
झेपावणा-या भास्कराची लोपली गारठलेली विदेही रंगदर्शने,
मांडीवर निजलेल्या पाडसाला, आईने जुळवले खेळणे,
गळलेल्या नक्षत्रांची शिखरे करीती हरिणांना मार्गदर्शने...! 

वाकलेल्या दिशांची सावली दुरून भासली सावळी,
ओंजळीच्या कडातून दिसती निसटलेल्या कमळांच्या खळी,
वसंताच्या हुकुमाने थिरकली नव प्राजक्तांची मंद वीणा,
अचल मेघांच्या मंदिरी पोरकी आपलेपणाची भावना...!

P.S : पल्लवी,अमृत,प्राजक्ता आणि श्रुती साठी...
         9:३०,१/०६/२०११, पुणे.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

क्योंकी...आज भी....

कौन गुजरा यहां से की,
कदमों से फूलोंकी मेहक उमड़ी.
जिनकी नजरों की कश्ती में,
आज भी यादों की फुअरें  उडी.

आज भी धुप है उस जहाँ मैं,
जहा कभी बुँदे मदहोश होती थी,
ये शाम आज भी उतनी ही खुशनुमा है,
क्योंकी कल जलाये हुए दिए आज ही जल रहे है.

दिन के धुए मैं बेहोश है,
माजुर पेड़ों की हरी डालिया,
तितलियोंकी फडफडाहट गूंजी पड़ी है,
क्योंकी आज भी हवा का रुख वही है.

बारिश बरसने को बेक़रार है,
जमीं को कोई मेहरम राज़ नहीं,
सियाही भी आस लगाये बैठी है,
क्योंकी लिखावट आज भी बाक़ी है.

अनछुए  रास्ते भी हमसफ़र लगते है,
जब दौड़ते है उनकी तलाश मैं,
करवटे तो आज भी बदली है,
क्योंकी सुबह का इंतेज़ार रात भी कर रही है.

लेहारों का उफान जोरों पे है,
समंदर का रुझान भी बदला  नहीं है,
किनारों पे राहें ताँक रही है,
क्योंकी आज भी मुसाफिर सफ़र के लिए तैयार है.

नादान दिखती है वो हसीं,
झुरियों के आगे बढ़ने की कोशिश मैं,
मुरझुआहट तो चेहरे का आभास है,
क्योंकी आज भी उन सिलवटों का समां है.

बादल आज भी घने है,
धड़कने आज भी तेज़ है,
साँसों मैं आज भी घबराहट है,
क्योंकी आज भी उन अल्फाजों के मायने है...


स्मृतीचे पैंजन बांधिले रजोचरणी,
बर्फाळ रस्त्याच्या तीरी साचले मणी,
नील-पुष्पाच्या काजव्यांच्या शिरो-शिरी ,
दिमाखात सजल्या हिम-दवांच्या ओळी...

गगन हे कुठून थाटले सारे ?
मोहनासमोर प्रश्न टाकीला राधेने,
एकांताच्या चौकटीची सारत दारे,
मोहन पुटपुटले, हे  तर आमचे पाहुणे !

काळजाखालच्या अस्थींचा रुतला आवाज,
पोखारता डोंगर आरवली किंरणे,
टेकलेल्या जर्जर वृक्षाच्या मैफिलीत,
एकाच आकांताने बिथरली हरिणे...

आयुष्याच्या धुक्यात थिजले,
भूत-वर्तमानाच्या आठवणीचे चंदन,
सांजेच्या तमाशात आवळले पैंजन,
वगाच्याअंती अटळ आश्रितांचे मंथन...

P.S:  हेरंब, नचिकेत आणि प्रियांका ह्यांच्या साठी....पार्श्वभूमी...
        वेळ : २०:२० , २४/०५/२०११,
        मंगळवार, इचलकरंजी.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

मी नाही...

तारकांची पेरणी आहे,
ता-यांची रास नाही.
चंद्रासाठी चांदण्या आहे,
चांदण्यांसाठी चंद्र नाही.

संगिनिशी बंधुभाव आहे,
बोचण्यासाठी शिकार नाही.
सावजांचे कळप आहे,
पारध्याची सोय नाही.

ओळखीचा हरेक आहे,
आरोळींची नजर नाही.
दिव्यांचे गुंजन  आहे,
दिवाळीची रागदारी नाही.

स्वप्नांची रजनी आहे,
रजनीची नाराजी नाही.
पंखांची रीघ आहे,
भरारीसाठी गगन नाही.

आमंत्रणाची पाटी आहे,
आर्ततेचे जिव्हाळे नाही.
सोसण्यासाठी एकटा आहे,
व्यासपीठावर एकांत नाही.

ओरड्यासाठी कंठ आहे,
दाटण्यासाठी आसवे नाही.
हाकेइतके अंतर आहे,
धावण्याइतपत त्राण नाही.

होकाराची अपेक्षा आहे,
नकाराची तयारी नाही.
जाणत्यांची वंदता आहे,
जाणण्याचा अंदाज नाही.

मोह-यांची बाज आहे,
खेळाची बाजी नाही.
जीवाचा साज आहे,
जीवनाचे गीत नाही.

आजन्माचे काटे आहे,
बंडासाठी साथ नाही.
पुरासाठी पाणी आहे,
आटण्यासाठी  नदी नाही.

उडण्याची मुभा आहे,
रोखण्यासाठी श्वास नाही.
नाइलाजाचा इलाज आहे,
झुकण्यासाठी मी नाही...

P.S:  ता.१६/०५/२०११
        सोमवार...शाम ८.०५....